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Opticians in Perth
Eye Health
Monitoring of your eye health is an important preventive aspect for conditions such as Cataract, Glaucoma, and Macular Disease.
At WJ Henderson Optometrists detection and ongoing monitoring of eye conditions is carried out through the use of digital photography. Photographic images are taken, analysed, stored on file and compared on each patient visit. Analysis and comparison ensures that subtle eye problems are detected at the earliest possible stage.
Whilst age is the biggest risk factor for many eye conditions, smoking and poor general health are also significant contributors.
Macular Disease
Age-related Macula Degeneration (AMD) - The macula is the part of the eye that sees fine detail. The effectiveness of the macula can be affected by environmental damage (e.g. smoking, sun damage) or by age. When caused by age the disease is know as AMD (Age related Macular Degeneration) Download leaflet
Allergic Conjunctivitis - Allergic conjunctivitis is an inflammation that affects the thin layer of tissue that covers part of the front of the eye and the inside of the eyelids (conjunctiva). It is not normally serious, and is sometimes referred to as pink or red eye.
Bacterial and Viral Conjunctivitis - Conjunctivitis is an infection which affects the thin layer of tissue that covers part of the front of the eye and the inside of the eyelids (conjunctiva). It is not normally serious, and is sometimes referred to as pink or red eye. There are three forms of conjunctivitis – bacterial, viral and allergic. This leaflet looks at bacterial and viral conjunctivitis. If you are experiencing allergic conjunctivitis, we have produced a separate leaflet on this.
Blepharitis - Blepharitis causes eyelids to become red, swollen and inflamed. It doesn’t normally cause serious damage to the eyes, but it can be very uncomfortable. It tends to be a long-term condition, which means you’re likely to need ongoing treatment. Severe cases do have a risk of causing long-term damage, but fortunately these are quite rare.
Cataract - A cataract happens when the lens within your eye becomes cloudy. It can happen to all of the lens or just part of it. There are different types of cataract, but the most common is age-related cataract, which is more common in people over 65. It can be found to some degree in almost all older people. Download leaflet
Dry Eye - People with dry eye either don't make enough normal (lubricating) tears or the ones that they make are of poor quality, causing the tears to dry up too quickly and the front of the eye to become dry and irritated. As a result, dry eye can be uncomfortable and cause the eye to produce the watery type of tears. This only helps for a short time – leaving the eye uncomfortable and gritty.-
Flashes and Floaters - Tiny spots, lines, flashes or shapes in your vision are known as flashes and floaters. Lots of people experience them and they usually aren't cause for alarm. Below we explain what causes flashes and floaters and when you should be concerned.
Glaucoma - Glaucoma is the name given to a group of eye conditions where the optic nerve at the back of the eye is damaged. It is often linked with raised pressure within the eye, although the eye pressure can sometimes be normal. When the nerve is damaged, it can start to cause problems with the peripheral vision (side vision) and, if left untreated, can cause permanent damage. With early treatment, further damage to vision can be prevented. The condition often happens in both eyes, although sometimes it affects one eye more than the other. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of severe sight impairment. Download leaflet
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction - The normal tears of the eye are made up of three layers – an oily (lipid) layer, a watery (aqueous) layer, and a sticky (mucous) layer. MGD is when the glands that make the oily layer of the tears are not working properly and this allows the watery layer of the tears to dry out.